Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lake Atlantic

 Another day of absolutely flat conditions is upon us. Any surfer living in southeastern North Carolina has to be long past frustrated at this point. If you think that it has been too cold to go surfing, then clearly you don't really surf, and probably have not been affected by this horrific flat spell we have been experiencing! One day last week there was some fun looking surf, which coincided with me working all day and having SCUBA course after work.

 Non surfers do not understand the frustration that comes along with being a devoted surfer, especially if you live in Wrightsville Beach! There are few other sports; maybe I should just say lifestyles; that for weeks on end no matter how much you want to go surfing you can't! Then when the swell actually arrives other life commitments get in the way. All of us who live our life based on the pulse of the ocean, and breath of the winds can relate to this frustration...or maybe not.

 The key to coping with insanely long flat spells is to have other things to do...lots of other things! When I was younger I didn't want to do anything else but surf, still don't! However as the years have gone by I realize the importance of having my "other surfing". Everybody has their different ways of dealing with the inevitable... personally nothing else that I have done, yet, even comes close to making me feel what surfing does...until I hunted my first fish!

 Spearfishing...completely changed my entire view of the world! Usually if there are no waves, the visibility is good enough to go diving. I am very new to the world of diving and underwater hunting; but I am well past the point of no return...I am addicted. My new found addiction has helped me cope with our lack of surf! The only problem now is that it's been quite some time since I went spearfishing! Diving in the cold is not the same as surfing in the cold, that is why I start my Dry Suit Diver Cert. tomorrow. It is the first step towards becoming an Advanced Open Water Diver. Next Winter I will be prepared for the cold better!

 For those of you who understand the frustration I have just described; I know you also understand the reward that we receive for all of our suffering! That perfect tube that you got that nobody else saw because nobody else was around! I don't know about you; but that was worth all of the suffering and frustration!

Thanks for reading!


  1. I have found several spelling and grammatical errors so far. Please help me and point any errors out! We all know I'm not perfect!

  2. Lookin good so far. Post some photos of the days catch. Or a catch of the week. That would be pretty rad.

  3. Thanks Shut Up!,
    Unfortunately I have not caught anything recently! Please bear with me and they will follow! I really appreciate you taking the time to read my blog! I will post a picture of a NY summer Fluke in the meantime! Thanks!
